We decided to be induced. On that day we were to call at 6 a.m. to see if there was room. They said there wasn't at that time, but to call back at 9 a.m. We were a little bummed, but just stayed in bed. I couldn't sleep cause something noisy was going on outside, and I was thinking about whether or not I would be going in to have a baby that day. Then about 30 minutes later they called back and said they had an unexpected discharge, and that we could come in! So we got all ready and left!
When I got there, they hooked the belly band thing up to me to see if I was having contractions. To my surprise, they said I was having contractions 3-5 minutes apart, and I couldn't feel any of them! I was also dilated to 3 c.m. A little while later they hooked up the I.V. which hurt! And then started the patosin(sp?) drip at about 9 a.m. My contractions continued on the very low does, but now I could only feel the contractions occasionally. I was kind of worried, cause I thought if I couldn't feel much, it was going to be a long day! I was progressing though. And then at noon the Dr. came in and broke my water. This is when the pain really started to come!! I got some nubaine(sp?), which didn't take the pain away, but let me rest in between contractions! And a short while later I started to push! Sophia Grace was born at 2:10 p.m. Only two hours after my water broke! She was 8 lbs. 4 oz. and 21 1/4 inches long! By far she was the easiest labor! The Lord was really gracious!
So now we are a family of 5! What a blessing!