Thursday, December 4, 2008

O Christmas Tree!

So, after debating about real or artificial, and then rearranging to make room, we finally put everything in it's place and got the tree decorated the other day! The girls really enjoyed this! I had to rearrange Lillian's a little bit because she loved to put like 4 ornaments on the same branch! We have this pickle ornament that we got one year, and Hannah was really into finding out where I hid it on the tree!

Decorating with dad!
The finished product!


kinneyland said...

What was the verdict? Real or artificial?
Either way it looks great and like you had a lot of fun.

Cara said...

We ended up going artificial this year. We have went real the past two years, but decided just to use the tree that we have had since we were first married. We looked at slim artificial ones, and I couldn't believe the price! You would think they would be cheaper cause you are getting less tree!

Andrea said...

It looks fantastic! We have a pickle's still fun to hide and find even as grown ups:)