Monday, July 28, 2008

Garbage bowl

I can now say that I officially own a Rachael Ray garbage bowl! Bill gave it to me for my birthday. I haven't used it yet, cause my kitchen is kind of small, so walking to the garbage isn't that big of a deal, and it feels like if I use it, it's just another thing to wash....But! I am still very excited to own one:) I also now own the Rachael Ray Moppine too! (which is her all in one kitchen towel, with built in pot holders).

The garbage bowl.

Lillian holding the moppine.


kinneyland said...

What's a garbage bowl? Because I think that is a beautiful bowl.

Cara said...

A garbage bowl is Rachael Ray's term for the bowl that she uses while she is cooking. She throws all her garbage in the bowl while cooking. Instead of having to walk back and forth to the garbage can, she just makes one big trip at the end. I hope I'm explaining it OK! And, thanks for saying that you thought it was beautiful:)