Sunday, November 9, 2008

A Goal Reached

So, I am not usually one to make goals. Partly cause if you don't reach them, it's kind of like you failed, and who likes to do that? Or, you may even forget about them. A lot of people think setting goals is a good thing though. Gives you something to shoot for. So for whatever reason, when we got our membership to the Y, I decided to set a weight loss goal. I am happy to say that after 9 1/2 long months I finally met my goal. It's cool, kind of strange too! Like, what now? Do I have to set another one? The first one took so long to reach! We'll see. The Y in Eagan is doing a fun thing. You have to weigh in before Nov. 26th, and then they will reweigh you after the New Year. If you have maintained or lost weight during the Holiday's you will get a free T shirt! I may decide to do this. It's hard though cause some of the foods you eat during this time are only things you get once a year! This could be a good thing though, helping me to intake all these yummy foods in moderation! We'll see how it goes!

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