Saturday, April 5, 2008

The zoo

We got to take my sister to the zoo today. It was the perfect day for it weather wise! And a lot of people must have thought so too, cause it was packed!! The busiest that I have ever seen it! We didn't get to see too much, but we did see some of the baby farm animals, and then some fish. I think Lil's favorite animal must be a cow.

Even though she knows what other animals say, when we say, "what does a duck, or a cat, or a etc....", she always says "Moo!" And then when we sing Old McDonald with her, and we say, "and on his farm he had a...." and let Lil pick, she's like "COW!" So we thought we'd be great parents and take her to see the real cows, but when she saw them, she actually wasn't very impressed. Almost a little taken back. Maybe this will break her Moo and Cow streak.


kinneyland said...

How fitting that your daughter's favorite animal would be a cow! Too funny.
I'm jealous of a fun day at the zoo. The closest zoo to us is more of a game farm, so we are hoping to hit up at least Como Zoo when we come through town.

Cara said...

Ya, when I was writing this, I was thinking back to Bible school, and the whole moo cow stuff. Too funny!!