Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I've Been Tagged!

So, my friend Lisa tagged me from her blog.

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose someone else to be tagged. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

1. I love Chocolate!
2. I love Ice cream!
3. I never used to like/eat broccoli, but now I love it!
4. Even though the Detroit Lions lost every game they played this season, they are still my favorite football team.
5. I enjoy playing fantasy football.
6. I played tennis in high school all 4 years. I won conference championships with my doubles partner, my junior at #2 doubles and senior year at #1 doubles.
7. I know the exact ripeness that Hannah will eat her bananas at.
8. I like this quote that I haven't heard from anyone, but I would be surprised if I made it up...."marriage is hard work, so work hard at it!"
9. I love to watch professional tennis.
10. I hope to some day going to NY and watch the U.S. open for tennis.
11. I also hope to go down hill skiing in Colorado someday.
12. I am thankful for my Husband Bill.
13. I am also thankful for my two lovely daughter's Hannah and Lillian.
14. My relationship with the Lord is important to me.
15. My check book is always balanced to the exact penny.
16. I have enjoyed my membership to the YMCA.
17. I try and work out three days a week, and love doing kick boxing with Bill on Monday nights.
18. I don't love cooking nearly as much as I love to bake!
19. I have decorated all the cakes for my girls birthday's.
20. I love to watch it snow.
21. Hmmm...I'm thinking that trying to think of 25 random things to say is tougher than I thought!
22. I got to see the Detroit Redwings play this year against the Wild at the Excel center, and that was awesome!
23. I don't like dogs, but there was one dog I did like, at that was my great Grandma Lillian's dog, and his name was Mo.
24. My favorite color is blue.
25. And, someday Bill and I hope to make it to Italy.

Now, first off, I tag Bill!!!

And then, because I read their blogs, if they are up for it, I also tag Andrea. And, my good friend from high school, Heather. And Celia, Lori, and Stacie, but no worries if you don't do it!
I would also like to tag Missy, but I'm not sure how that would work, cause she doesn't have a blog, but her husband Caleb does!

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